Video for Drone Day 2023
Video from "Frankenstein" performance at Lafayette Electronic Arts Festival

I will be playing Firefly Music, a collaboration between Lauri Lynnxe Murphy and Ben Coleman

Firefly Music is a project that Lauri Lynnxe Murphy first started working on over 10 years ago in grad school at The Ohio State University, watching the fireflies come out and wishing that there was a way to share them with her friends in Colorado. Little did she know (as do most Coloradans) that we have fireflies HERE, and their numbers have been growing!

Firefly music graphic
Friday and Saturday (July 7 & 8) please tune in for the world premier on livestream of Firefly Music, streaming from Fountain Creek Nature Center, where the firefly flashes will be transformed into sounds, and accompanied by live musicians. You can watch from the comfort of your home! Lauri is  thankful to her collaborator, the incredible Ben Coleman, and excited to hear the collaborations with Victoria Lundy's theremin, and the incomparable Rare Byrd$ featuring Korryne Da'nell Coleman and Kheya Lenay Yeager. Firefly Music was supported by an Insite Fund grant,  RedLine Contemporary Art Center, and the The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.


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