The Inactivists, Me Me Monster, Gort Vs. Goom
March 10: Radio1190 & Ancillary Apotheoses Presents: CurvedLight Paperbark+Entrancer, J Hamilton Issac (Dugout Canoe), Victoria Lundy and Azaleas

UPDATED LOCATION: CO2E: The Carbon Dioxide Ensemble at the 2016 Denver Noise Fest


Denver Noise Fest 2016
Globe Hall
4483 Logan Street

Seventh annual festival

Wednesday December 21 and Thursday December 22
Tickets: and

The Carbon Dioxide Ensemble are joining the lineup for the 2016 Denver Noise Fest. Thomas Lundy on Copper with Dry Ice, Mark Mosher on Sampling, and Victoria Lundy on Theremin with Reaktor.

For more info on CO2E go to



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